Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 memory

One memory that I have is the memory of my car accident. It was in May at the end of the month on a Sunday. It was my dad and I out driving around because we had nothing better to do. My dad was driving and some guy decided to make a left hand turn right in front of us. It was a pretty bad car accident. The guy that hit us wasn’t really injured, but my dad and I were trapped in the car. It took the fire department a half hour to get my dad out. Then I was in the car for another half hour. The car was destroyed and no one knows how we lived. The worst part of that memory was after the impact when I finally fully realized what happened, was knowing that I couldn’t get out and my dad wouldn’t even look at me because he was scared that I died. But after we realized we were kind of ok the car started smoking which once my dad lost his cool that’s when I started to panic. It was one of the worst things that have ever happened to me. My dad and I still have nightmares about the accident because what if the other guy was going just a little faster, or what if the fire department took longer to get there, what if my car was a few year’s older? You shouldn’t think about the past but it gets hard. But there were some positive things that came from that accident, I decided to do something with my life and go to school. Also how rewarding it was to learn to walk again and learning how to do the simplest things that we everyday take for granted. I’m not 100% back to how I was but I always try to find the better in life now and always live for the moment because you never know what day will be your last.


  1. I can't imagine going through that and the fact that you survived is just amazing.

  2. experiences like that change you and sometimes they change you for the worse but it sounds like you are taking this negative and turning it into a possitive. im glad you and your dad are okay!
